
Legal notice and GDPR

Le cabinet

Caderas Martin

43 Rue de Liège
75008 Paris
01 44 90 25 25

This location is the company's head office.

Legal status: Public limited company with share capital of €364,090
Paris Companies Register: Number B 312 665 318
SIRET number: 312 665 318 00027
APE number: 6920 Z
Publishing Director: Antoine GAUBERT, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Personal Data Protection Policy
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (European Union Regulation 2016/679), persons who provide personal data on our website may exercise their right of access to the data communicated, their right to have them corrected or to have them deleted. They may also exercise their right to limit processing and their right to data portability. We undertake to take every precaution to preserve the security of this data and in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or communicated to third parties.
To exercise your rights or obtain more information, please contact directly


Les Echos Publishing

Siège social

10, Boulevard de Grenelle
75738 Paris CEDEX 15

RCS 381 123 868 Paris
Capital social : 1728750 €

Production et administratif

5 rue Sophie Germain
86000 Poitiers

05 49 60 20 60
05 49 01 87 08

Directeur de la Publication : Pierre Louette
Directeur de la Rédaction : Laurent David



Siège social

55, avenue Galline
69100 Villeurbanne

04 27 46 20 00

RCS 443 207 154 Villeurbanne